About the Book
Inside this book, you will FEEL the positive energy from around the world and be TOUCHED by the LOVE messages. You will SEE LOVE with your eyes. You will get a TASTE of how LOVE feels by the influence it delivers. You will be able to SMELL the sweet scent of LOVE in the air, knowing you are a frequency connected to other hearts in the world. You will HEAR your hearts beat through the sound of LOVE vibrations. You will have moments inspired by the SENSE of what LOVE is. You will become aware of a Level Of Vibrational Energy by uniting as ONE LOVE. You will experience a heart full of LOVE after FEELING the flow of energy throughout the Universe. You will KNOW what LOVE is inside your spirit. NOW is our time to pass our “UNITED LOVE” story on…
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Meet the Author
Author Terri Lynne, is a proud Wife and Mom of two incredible children. She has learned about what LOVE IS through every day experiences and through generations passed on, shared in her first publication, titled “Wings Passed On.” Now she is planting the seed of LOVE and has chosen to spread this LOVE by uniting through open hearts, while touching hands and crossing bridges to reach each other ~ connecting as one “UNITED LOVE” team of Angels upon earth! TL believes that “LOVE IS… Powerful and the Power Of Love Trumps All!”
Get In Touch
Do feel free to contact me or just send in your queries in the form to the right and I will respond to you as soon as possible.
Westlake Village, CA
Phone: +1-818-949-8594
Email: TLWhispers@UnitedLove.love